Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Debate Number Three

The debate was just generally boring. I thought that McCain was weakest on health care. I just can’t understand why Obama does not hit him on the issue of people with pre-existing conditions. What happens to them? (Us, actually)
And on education, the only idea McCain has is vouchers, but not everyone can get vouchers; vouchers are actual an expensive solution, and the only other thing he says is we can’t throw money at the problem, which is the oldest idea in the Republican playbook.
Obama was good in responding to the expected Ayers attack by responding with who he does associate with.
And I thought that McCain was sarcastic. especially towards the end. And McCain is acting like ACORN is some kind of subversive organization, like a communist front. The truth is that they are just a community development organization.
And then the Republicans are the only ones who could drive the economy into the toilet, by cutting taxes, running a war, and shoveling money out the door for all their special interest friends. So they run up a ginormous deficit, and then complain that the other guys are going to raise taxes!
Of course they are going to raise taxes on someone! Someone has to pay for all of this

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