Sunday, October 5, 2008

Palin and Alaska Independence Party

If Sarah Palin can go after Obama by suggesting that he “pals around with terrorists,” then I think her connection with the infamous Alaska Independence Party is fair game.
Sarah speaking to this group would be like a presidential candidate giving a pep talk to the confederacy before the Civil War. How can she say she “loves America,” and somehow insinuate that Obama loves America less?

According Lynette Clark, Chairman of the Party, Todd Palin was a member, and Sarah as a candidate for Governor appeared at the AIP Convention in 2006, and sent a welcoming DVD to the membership at the 2008 AIP statewide convention.
Radical separatist Joe Vogler, the party founder, did not mince words when he expressed his distaste for the US. Greg Sargent on TPM dug up what Joe had to say in a 1991 interview, only a few years before Palin attended its convention:
"The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government."
He also said this: "And I won't be buried under their damn flag. I'll be buried in Dawson. And when Alaska is an independent nation they can bring my bones home."
Joe friends honored his intentions, he is still buried in Dawson City.

Today, the party’s web site is a bit more circumspect. They say they seek only a new state constitutional convention, they don’t specifically claim that they want independence from the US.
However, on their questions and answers page, the clearly address the issue of giving up American citizenship.
Q: Would I lose my U.S. citizenship?
A: Depending on the form of independence, several forms of citizenship would be possible, including the retention of U.S. citizenship or dual citizenship. However, considering the moral, educational, and economic decay of the U.S., Alaskans' who hold themselves to a higher standard might very well decide to at least maintain an arm's length distance from a country in decline.
Want more? Here is a video of Dexter Clark at the separatists’ convention.

We cannot let this one pass.

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