Sunday, September 14, 2008

Can’t stop reading About Sarah

Is there a cure for this addiction?
One of the amazing think about the last few weeks has been the onslaught of national news and network journalists into the intimate spaces of the Alaska we call home. I cannot remember this ever happening before. Sure a few famous people came up on vacation and wrote about Denali, or a fishing lodge, or a cruise vacation. But now they are buying lattes at the drive in espresso places, hanging out in Wasilla City Hall, secret service agents reportedly renting bicycles, and the coast guard patrolling Lake Lucille.
There was Charlie Gibson strolling with Sarah on the grounds of Wedgewood Manor, and anchoring from Downtown Fairbanks, in front of the new state courthouse. And te next night there they were in front of the pipeline at Fox. Too bad they didn't pan around to John Reeves' junk heaap across the road. It was truly extraordinary.
Now the MSM is finally getting beyond the hype with which Alaska was always able to sell itself, from the Chamber of Commerce, the petroleum drill now alliance, and the visitor industry. Alaska was free to tell any story it wanted about itself, because no one was there to challenge. Now the news people are challenging the image of Sarah that she has created for herself. Alaskans have to realize that a bear skin rug with the head still on, or a cozy living room full of hunting trophies is not just an everyday decorating choice, and that not everyone celebrates Alaska’s culture of guns and rugged individualism. Sarah challenges the men where they live: in the individualistic space of the wilderness and hunting privilege. In particular she challenges the conservative men who still uphold these values as markers of masculinity, while the liberal city dwellers have long since given this up. She upholds the conservative views of gender roles, even while running for vice president. I mean, you didn’t see Cheney running on his ability to hunt and fish. But Sarah can precisely because she is a woman.
Even Maureen Dowd was in Alaska, and who else could equal Sarah for snark? “Our new Napoleon in bunny boots (not the Pamela Anderson kind, but the knock-offs of the U.S. Army Extreme Cold Weather Vapor Barrier Boots) is ready to face down the Russkies and start a land war over Georgia,” she writes.”Sarah has single-handedly ushered out the “Sex and the City” era, and made the sexy new model for America a retro one — the glamorous Pioneer Woman, packing a gun, a baby and a Bible.
I have to disagree here: I think the new image is a bit more up to date babe in camo with M-16 along with that bible.
Although its hard to picture Maureen getting too far from the Marriott in Downtown Anchorage, she did somehow find out about bunnyboots.
And did anyone catch Saturday night live?
Careful listeners, such as myself, noted that “Palin” announced that she was the “Mayor of the crystal meth capital of Alaska!” Guess all those network sniffer dogs finally found the true Alaska.

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