Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What to Do Now

Like everyone else, I have been wathcing this crisis unfold in slow motion. I was STUNNED when the bailout plan failed yesterday. In retrospect, I don't know why I was so surprised. It was no secret that no one liked it. On the right or the left. In the end that's why if failed. So, what to do now? this suggestion from the Working Families Party:Forget the right wing republicans and craft a plan that addresses ordinary Americans,
• Cover the $700 billion price tag with a "millionaire's tax" and a surcharge on financial transactions
• "Reregulate" Wall Street, including breaking up big banks
• Temporarily nationalize companies that need government help
• Require banks that get assistance to renegotiate mortgage terms for struggling homeowners
• Couple the bailout with an economic stimulus package
See more: Elizabeth Benjamin, The Daily Politics

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