Sunday, September 14, 2008

Republicans Plan Attack Against Hope

I heard this out of the edge of my brain the other day,
"Republicans attack Hope" catchy- eh?
I mean how can you run a campaign against hope?
turns out you have to turn to fear, fear of hope,
New Group Won't Attack Obama But Will Target "Hope" and Push Fear Leadership for America's Future was formally created on Thursday by a Sacramento, Calif.-based attorney, Thomas Hiltachk, according to a form registering the so-called 527 group with the Internal Revenue Service.

The organization's slick Web site includes a 30-second video that shows images of war and misery around the world as an announcer gravely warns of the dangers of putting America in untested hands.

"It's not always the world we dream of. It can be belligerent and unpredictable, where an unsure response can have lasting consequences for generations," the announcer says over a montage that includes a plane crashing into the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 and video of an American flag fluttering at the gutted site after the terrorist attacks. "No matter how eloquently spoken, hoping for change won't change the world. Only the strength of experience can do that."

But wasn't Roosevelt's message to the nation at the height of the last major depression
the only thing we have to fear is fear itself?
keep it in mind

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