Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Family Feud!

Legislators File Suit
I just can’t believe that we get such good theater- the Republicans falling out with each other and fighting in public, its like a family fight at a restaurant. In front of God and Everyone
Here is the story in the NYT, (don’t you just love getting to read about our family feuds in the national papers?) Lawsuit Is Filed to Halt Alaska DismissalInquirey
I thought that it was Sarah’s Republican enemies who had gotten the whole Troopergate thing going, like her good buddy Lyda Greene, but maybe I am reading it wrong. Now, apparently she has some of her most conservative friends running defense for her. Represented by one of those conservative legal outfits: Liberty Legal Institute, which is based in Texas and which has a history of taking up conservative causes. House speaker John Harris actually supported the investigation, but has now changed his mind, and now wants to derail it. Wonder what kind of appeals to reason the McCain heavies are throwing down on the table?
Don’t forget the legislative Council, 8 republicans snd 4 democrats approved the investigation unanimously. Now, ADN/AP reports, Harris says, in a letter, that what "started as a bipartisan and impartial effort is becoming overshadowed by public comments from individuals at both ends of the political spectrum” I mean, what did he think would happen? No comments? No politics?

Celtic Diva has a rundown of who the group is who is suing to stop the investigatin, including arch conservative Rep. Mike Kelly, from Fairbanks, as well as Rep. Wes Keller, Rep. Bob Lynn, Sen. Fred Dyson, and Sen. Tom Wagoner

Both Diva and Progressive Alaska believe this all may have something to do with Moneghan’s pro-active work to deal with Alaska’s high rate of sexual assault and domestic violence.

see also the Alaska Politics Blog at Anchorage Daily News.
It will be interesting to see if the MSM really get the inside story- word is that there are 7 folks from ABC on the ground. what a circus!

1 comment:

Dee said...

Good to see that you're blogging!